No deepfake here. This week, Al Franken does his own impersonations of Bernie Sanders, Mitch McConnell, Chuck Grassley, Sherrod Brown and Susan Collins in this mock Senate Hearing featuring Siri (played by the actual voice-over talent Susan Bennett) and Al’s fellow SNL alum Laraine Newman playing the part of Alexa.

Plus Beau tells us about the time in the late 80s (he’s that old) someone at the phone company hacked into Winona Ryder’s phone which he answered wearing Johnny Depp’s scissor hands. True story!

The Tin Foil this week, duh, is all about privacy settings on your home digital assistants. Like being ogled by an algorithm? Leave them on the default setting. For all the rest of you, we have a digital fig leaf for ya (that’s about all anyone can offer).

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