Bank of America, Adam Smith and a Fee Market System

This week, Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill) made a remarkably pithy statement on the floor of the Senate that Bank of America patrons should "vote with your feet, get the heck out of that bank." By...

Memo to Obama: Push for Jobs, Don’t Shove Employers

The American Jobs Act provides yet another example of President Obama potentially snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. It proposes a punitive response to a problem that now plagues the country -- employers...

How to Fix the Foreclosure Crisis: A Real Bailout

We need a real bailout, because the last one relied on a bad theory -- namely: horse-and-sparrow "trickle-down" economics. Why do we need a real bailout? The first one was a corporate give-away. And...

Consumers Be Damned: Senator Shelby, Captain Queeg and the Politics of No

Last week's Senate Banking Committee hearing on the nomination of Richard Cordray to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau featured prepared speeches that were utterly without sound and fury but still managed to do...

Freddie and Fannie — Has Everyone Gone Postal?

Between Freddie and Fannie's latest woes and the United States Postal Service teetering on collapse, it's been a bad week or so for quasi-governmental agencies. Late last week the United States Postal Service (USPS) announced...

Medication for Middle-Class Mortgage Mania

Everything old is new again.... Between 1634 and 1637, tulips became all the rage in Holland. The record of exactly what happened is sketchy and perhaps apocryphal in part, but at one point a particular...

$2 a Gallon Gas, Michele Bachmann? Aim Higher.

Big city-dwellers notwithstanding, American consumers may purchase gasoline more frequently than any other item. In fact, according to a 2009 Nilson report, when it comes to credit card purchases, gas is the most frequent...
Capitol building

Zero Sum Game: The Black Box of the Congressional Budget Process

So, how do you do your household budgeting? Millions of us use QuickBooks or some variation thereof. For those who are technologically challenged (I was for years), yellow pads, composition books, copy paper, accounting...

The Silver Lining in the U.S. Debt Downgrade

No matter which side of the political fence or economic Continental Divide you sit on, few can deny that this was the week that was. It began with the controversial debt-ceiling deal about which...

Of Debt Ceiling Debates, Non-Denial Denials and Non-Default Defaults

In 1980, Republican presidential nominee Ronald Reagan asked the American people: "Are you better off than you were four years ago... Is America more respected?" Fast forward to the cyber era of 2011, where...