Hail to the Thief: Clinton Speech B-Roll Opens Door to ID Theft

Was it excessive exuberance? Was it judgmental deficiency? Was it the thrill of hearing a barnburner by the President of the World? Well, whatever...

What’s in Your Wallet? Hopefully Your Share of the National Mortgage Settlement

Hell has frozen over! After years of lawsuits and investigations by federal and state law enforcement agencies -- not to mention some hard-ass negotiations...

MegaBanks Finally Ready to Modify Mortgages… Don’t Miss Out!

Hell has frozen over! After years of lawsuits and investigations by federal and state law enforcement agencies — not to mention some hard-ass negotiations...

Romney’s Rage Against Regulation

The people who brought you the Great Economic Meltdown of 2008 have a new idea for you -- although if they get their way,...

For Ransom: Your Medical Records

It started out as a data breach like many others. The hackers penetrated the computer network of a small medical practice in a wealthy...

7 Big Ticket Items (Including NASA’s Annual Budget) ID Thieves Could Fund With Your...

Now that Governor Mitt Romney has picked U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan to be his vice presidential running mate, there is little doubt that the...

The Profound Failure of Congress on Cybersecurity (and Why You Should Care)

On August 2, Congress did it again. They acknowledged the looming threat of cyberwarfare while discussing the Cybersecurity Act of 2012, and then they...

The Wisconsin Department of Revenue: A Bargain for the Identity Theft Collective

Scott Walker has earned a national reputation for his hack-and-slash approach to government spending. Working hand-in-glove with both houses of the GOP-controlled legislature, the...
Financial info

5 Ways to Become a Credit Adult

  Let's word associate: banks, mortgage brokers, credit card companies, credit reporting agencies, debt collectors, payday lenders.... Words like "daunting," "challenging," "black box" and "scary"...

Dodd-Frank and CFPB Provide Stimulus to Economy With Milestone

During the endless hearings leading up to the passage of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act, which has its two-year anniversary this week, and...