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How Much Credit Card Debt Will You Have? Your Hometown May Be a Big...
No one wants to find themselves buried under a bunch of credit card debt, but some of us are more prone to rack up...
11 Financial Behaviors You Don’t Want Your Kids to Learn From You
This article originally appeared on and was written by Jeff Rose.
There’s nothing I would love better than to sit down and tell my...
Millennials Are Most at Risk for Job Scams
Roughly one in six American job seekers have fallen for a scam when searching for work online, but victims are much more likely to...
How to Keep Scammers From Pulling an Identity Theft Double Whammy
When it comes to data security and the real-life impact of identity theft, public awareness is at an all-time high. But there is still...
Nearly Half of Moms Go Into Debt Trying to Be the ‘Perfect Parent’
You’d be hard pressed to find parents who don’t want the best for their kids, and many of them are spending beyond their means...
3 Employee Benefits You’re Probably Taking for Granted
Ping-pong table in the office? Free massages at your desk? Gourmet drink making classes on the clock? Some workplaces have really stepped up their...
The Medical Identity Theft Apocalypse? Fear the Walking Files
Criminal cyber attacks on healthcare information repositories have increased 125% since 2010. With the announcement of the Excellus breach last week, the total number...
Sen. Elizabeth Warren & Rep. Steve Cohen: It’s Time to Stop Employer Credit Checks
Bad credit can happen for a lot of reasons, but today many people have bad credit through no fault of their own. Illness, job...
The 5-Minute Checklist for New Homebuyers
When you are trying to get approved for a mortgage you can afford, it’s important to make yourself as appealing a borrower as you...
16 Ways You May Be Exposing Yourself to Fraud
Stand in front of a mirror. There’s the enemy. Fraud doesn’t happen to you in a vacuum. Our personally identifying information (PII) doesn’t just...