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BSA Offers Up to $1 Million to Bust Software Pirates
When you were a kid, you may have heard that nobody likes a tattletale. That isn’t true. BSA The Software Alliance loves tattletales.
If you...
Marc Weber Tobias and Adam Levin on Identity Theft
Security experts Marc Weber Tobias and Adam Levin discussed the recent trends in identity theft, and the threat it poses to consumers. To read...
(Video) Identity Theft: The Latest Ways to Protect Yourself
Adam Levin spoke with about the three certainties in life: death, taxes, and data breaches leading to identity theft. In 2013 alone, 290,000...
The New Grave Robbers: Identity Thieves
Take your driver’s license out of your wallet. Flip it over. Now look carefully at the back of it. There’s no box to check...
The Top States for Identity Theft
Consumers filed nearly 2.6 million complaints with the Federal Trade Commission and other consumer groups in 2014, and identity theft was the most common...
5 Myths About Women & Money
With only 23% of Certified Financial Planners being women, you might think the fairer sex isn’t all that interested in money matters.
You’d be wrong.
The idea...
Healthcare, banking companies issue easily spoofed emails
Emails purportedly sent by health insurance companies and large banks are more likely to be fraudulent than those claiming to be from social media...
Do Genetics Influence Your Credit Score?
There is the standard list of factors that influence your credit score: payment history, outstanding balances, the types of credit that you use and...
(Video) Clinton: There was no classified info in my e-mails
Adam Levin spoke with Liz Claman on Countdown to the Closing Bell on Fox Business about the security issues surrounding Former Secretary of State Hillary...
Should the Secret Service Protect Candidates Online?
The Democratic and Republican gristmills got to work last week on Hillary Clinton’s “homebrew” email, and the ensuing firestorm underscored an alarming lack of...