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Dr Axton Betz-Hamilton was a nineteen years-old when she got her first apartment and learned that she was a victim of identity theft. She was told by the utility company that they would require a $100 deposit because her credit report wasn’t very good. The only problem with this news was that Betz-Hamilton had never utilized any type of credit.

Finding an identity thief can be hard, especially when they are hiding right under your nose. After some digging the truth was revealed that she had been a victim of child identity theft, and the perpetrator was her mother. She had died before the crimes were discovered. Her mother also stole the identities or her father and grandfather.

Jim Donovan of CBS Philly reported on her story in a 3 on Your Side segment, and talked to Adam Levin about the case and the larger issue of familial identity theft. You can watch the segment here:

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