In his never ending mission to keep consumers from getting swindled when they swipe, Adam Levin spoke with Lynda Baquero of WNBC TV, (picked up by WX11 News 12 affiliate in NC) about the four key places that consumers should avoid using their debit card.
If you don’t have time for the video, here’s a cheat sheet:
- Steer clear of gas stations, where criminals attach skimmers to card readers to steal your debit card information.
- Be careful where you dine, because waiters can use handheld skimmers at your favorite restaurant, or just do it the old fashion way and go into the back and write down the number.
- When shopping at a grocery store, use cash for the above reasons.
- And finally, when shopping online, use a credit card or Paypal, which provides a buffer between your bank account and the outside world. And ask if your bank provides virtual credit cards to safeguard you against identity thieves.
Debit cards give thieves a mainline into your bank account. Use credit cards, which not only pay for goods, but bring many consumer protections as well as reward programs.
There’s no way to embed the video here, but you can check it out here.