Don’t Use Your Debit Card at These Four Places

In his never ending mission to keep consumers from getting swindled when they swipe, Adam Levin spoke with Lynda Baquero of WNBC TV, (picked...

The Government Database That Could Know Everything About You

Millions of Americans may soon become part of an expanded government database that would give two federal regulatory agencies an up-close and personal (perhaps...

Cybercriminals Want to Steal 8 Key Numbers

Adam Levin spoke with Ronn Owens of KGO San Francisco about how most individuals can be summed up according to 8 key numbers and...

Why Don’t People Report Child Identity Theft?

Adam Levin discussed the rise of child identity theft with Lisa Fletcher, host of Al Jazeera America's The Stream.   Discussing the higher incidence of...

Cybercriminals Have Your Number, But Which One?

Cyber thief
The Star Wars Cantina of cybercriminals targeting your identity, healthcare, finances and privacy today might seem like a movie you’ve seen so many times...

eBay Announces Massive Data Breach

Earlier this morning, news began to trickle out that something happened at eBay. A press release has now confirmed it: There has been a...

4 Ways New Grads Are Vulnerable to Identity Theft

As new graduates climb down from the ivory tower (diploma in hand), many will be facing “real world” transactions for the first time, and...

3 Student Loan Strategies that Won’t Get You Out of Debt

Class of 2014, the time has come to find a job and start paying down your student loans. Like many young graduates, you probably...

Could a Bad Credit Score Make You Homeless?

A landlord in San Francisco recently wrote letters to tenants that said if their FICO credit score was below 725 or they made less...

A Parents Guide to Stopping Child Identity Theft

Adam Levin spoke with Michel Martin from NPR's Tell Me More about the rise in child identity theft and practical ways that parents can...