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Could Facebook’s New Privacy Rules Endanger Your Kids?
Not a week goes by without another story of an adult doing something colossally stupid on social media and paying the price. So why...
5 Ways That Being Internet-Free on a Plane Is Better for...
For the first time in a while, I found myself this week on a transcontinental flight without WiFi access or in-flight television. I generally...
The Biggest Victim of the Debt Ceiling Deal: Your Retirement Savings
The cat fights in Congress over the debt ceiling aren't just an inside-the-Beltway problem -- they're already a Wall Street problem, and they're becoming...
When Chicken Little Comes Home to Roost: Why Many Americans Aren’t...
With everyone from the Treasury Department to the International Monetary Fund to the World Bank to several of the country's top economists warning about...
3 Ways Regular Americans Will Be Hurt by a Debt Ceiling...
Many Americans this week may be asking themselves: Why should I care about the debt ceiling, or the -- barring Congressional action -- coming...
When It Comes to Technology, Sometimes It Makes Sense to Slow...
Everyone is in a hurry -- overbooked, overworked, and generally overwhelmed. With life churning forward at a pace that makes the "rat race" of...
The 5 Deadly Clicks: The Links You Should Never Touch
Here's a scary scenario. You're innocently surfing the Web, maybe on an unfamiliar site, not paying close attention. Suddenly your computer screen fills with...
7 Credit Mistakes That Could Wreck Your Retirement
Yes, just like clockwork it happened again this year: I got older. As of this week, the Beatles song, "When I'm Sixty-Four," went from...
7 Steps to Deal With HR Looking at Your Credit Report
Employers don't like surprises. They want to know everything there is to know about you, which is why you shouldn't be surprised to learn...
Politics Aside, Is Obamacare Secure?
It's the biggest change in health care in nearly half a century, and perhaps unsurprisingly it's already become a tool for scammers. Though open...