Get in Touch Are Universities a Treasure Trove for Cybercriminals?
Adam Levin talked to Stacia Naquin from about the breach at the University of Maryland. He said that the Maryland breach highlighted a...
Why There Will Be Another Major Data Breach (And Another, And Another)
The storm of consumer-focused data breaches started off as intermittent downpours -- Choicepoint, TJ Maxx, SONY, LinkedIn, Twitter, Adobe Systems -- and is now...
WTOP: University of Maryland Security Breach Makes Students Targets of Identity Theft
Adam Levin spoke to Shawn and Hillary on WTOP in Washington DC about the data breach this week at University of Maryland, which exposed...
University of Maryland Exposes 300,000 Crucial Records in Data Breach
I was on ABC News Radio yesterday right after news broke that the University of Maryland had suffered a major data breach involving information...
NJ 101.5 FM: Would There Be A Target Breach If We Used Chip...
Adam Levin discussed the Target breach with David Matthau from NJ 101.5 FM in New Jersey and the chip and pin smart card technology...
KKSF AM: How to Protect Yourself from Data Breaches And Scams
Adam Levin talked with Gil Gross from Talk 910/KKSF FM in San Francisco on the recent University of Maryland and Target breaches and how...
5 Ways to Avoid Bad Credit After a Break-Up
Forget the “till death do us part” mantra -- cohabitation has become the new normal in the U.S. Most millennials will move in with...
Good Morning America: Capital One and the Fine Print
Adam Levin talked to Susanna Kim at Good Morning America about Capital One terms of service that allow the company to come knocking at...
In the Fine Print: A Viking at the Door?
Who has time to read every tiny word in those credit card agreements? Turns out, David Lazarus of the Los Angeles Times does. He...
The Willis Report: The Three M’s of Data Breach
Here's video from The Willis Report yesterday. I was on to talk about the recently announced hacking of Kickstarter and how small businesses can...