Adam Levin Featured on the Ask the Planner Podcast

Ask the Planner
Adam Levin was a guest on the Ask the Planner podcast with Desirée Adams where he discussed how to identify and avoid wedding scams....

Scammers Are Targeting Class of 2026 College Admissions

College scams
Accepting an offer? Waitlisted? Waiting to hear about financial aid? Hackers are targeting the class of 2026.

Dan Ahdoot Gets Hacked by a Middle-Schooler

Dan Ahdoot
Podcast host and stand-up comedian Dan Ahdoot got hacked by someone too young to shave. His story gets even weirder from there.

Is Your VPN Shoulder Surfing Your History?

VPNs can be a crucial tool to maintain your cybersecurity and privacy. Not all are created equal.

Follow the 3-2-1 Rules of Data Backups

3-2-1 rules
This World Backup Day, be sure you're protecting your data with the 3-2-1 rules.

What is Ransomware?

Like all forms of cybercrime, anyone with a digital device connected online is at risk.

Adam Levin Discusses Cyberwar with the National Desk

The National Desk
Adam Levin was featured on the National Desk where he discussed how businesses and organizations should prepare for a potential cyberattack in the wake...

Amanda, Cyber Guy, a Catfish and Mister Fluffy

WTH Amanda
Your smartphone can be the gateway to your personal and professional life, and it’s not as secure as you may think.

Adam Levin Discusses Real Estate Scams with the Washington Post

Washington Post
Adam Levin was interviewed by the Washington Post on the topic of real estate scams and how homebuyers and sellers can protect themselves. "Real estate...

Facebook Protect: A New Feature from the Fox in the Hen...

Facebook Protect
Facebook's attempt at securing high-risk accounts bears an unfortunate resemblance to a phishing scam. The problems don't stop there.