Reconnaissance Attacks: What are they?

Reconnaissance attacks
Threat actors are increasingly using reconnaissance attacks to identify targets online. Here's how they work.

Adam Levin featured on Strategy Skills Podcast

Strategy Skills
Adam Levin was a guest on the Strategy Skills Podcast, where he discussed the most effective methods of staying protected from cyber threats. In the...

Caitlin’s Scammer Does His Homework

Caitlin Brodnick
No one is 100% immune to scams, not even experts in the field.

2021’s Biggest Cyber Stories

2021 in review
It was another year dominated by Covid, high-profile ransomware attacks and digital crime. Here are some of 2021’s highs and (mostly) lows in cyber news in no particular order.

2021 in Review: They’re Baaaaack

WTH Year End
From QAnon to Mahjong and a parade of phishing victims, 2021 offered up a lot of teachable moments.

Liza and the Phantom Switch

Liza and the Phantom Switch
If a holiday deal looks too good to be true, do some poking around because the chances are good it’s a scam.

Log4J: What You Need to Know

The Log4J vulnerability has the potential to be the next SolarWinds-level cybersecurity debacle. Here’s what you need to know.

The Not Entirely, All Bad, Rotten Year to Come: Cybersecurity 2022

cybersecurity 2022
2021 was a terrible year for cybersecurity, but there is some hope for 2022.

Harry’s Holiday Bah Humbug

Harry's Bah Humbug
Holiday scams are nothing new, but this one takes the fruit cake.

Kristine’s Low-Rent Craigslist Scammer

Craigslist scam
Renting an apartment often requires providing sensitive information and making a payment in advance, which makes it scammer paradise.