10 Privacy Killers that Seemed Like a Good Idea #6: Remote...

Remote desktop software
Remote desktop software creates a digital tunnel for a third party (your tech-savvy relative, a hacker) to take control of your mouse and troubleshoot on your machine from somewhere else–anywhere else, which is exactly the problem with this software.

10 Privacy Killers that Seemed Like a Good Idea #5: Smart...

Smart IoT devices
The whizzbang offered by IoT can have a kaput effect on your reputation. It can also leak details about your life to third parties who exploit that data to sell you more stuff.

10 Privacy Killers that Seemed Like a Good Idea #4: Voice-Activated...

Voice-Activated Digital Home Assistants
Until a company with strong privacy bona fides can offer a secure alternative to the voice-activated assistants currently on the market, it’s worth your while to get up from your chair and flip that light switch the old-fashioned way.

John’s Workflow Gets Clogged by a Hack

John’s Workflow Gets Clogged by a Hack
The ransoming of hijacked social media accounts and personal data force a hard question: To pay or not to pay?

10 Privacy Killers That Sounded Like a Good Idea #3: Smartphones

Smartphone privacy
Smartphones prove a universal truth about awesome digital innovation: When it’s really good, there’s always a catch. 

10 Privacy Killers that Seemed Like a Good Idea #2: Google

Google Privacy
When Google retired the “Don’t Be Evil” motto there was no ceremony because the company had become the Death Star-eating antichrist of consumer privacy.

10 Privacy Killers that Seemed Like a Good Idea #1: Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg - Privacy
The meta-problem with Facebook stems from the product itself: It took the position that “privacy” was synonymous with “marketing data.” 

Josh Gets Over the Wire

Josh Gets Over the Wire
Email continues to be the Achilles heel of cybersecurity for organizations, especially small- to medium-sized businesses.

10 Privacy Killers that Seemed Like a Good Idea

privacy killer
It’s no easy task to identify the 10 biggest Internet-related privacy failures masquerading as the next best thing since the World Wide Web, but here it goes.

SEO Poisoning: What It Is and How It Works

SEO poisoning
Threat actors are implementing website marketing strategies to spread malware. Here’s what you need to know.