What the Hack? Podcast
What the Hack? Podcast
What the Hack? Podcast
What the Hack? Podcast

Infinite Load Articles

Whim Grace

Whim Grace Plays a Shell Game with Scammers

Job searches open us up to a variety of sometimes very harmful scams.
Puppy scammer

Carl’s Nasty Puppy Scammer Leads Him to the Cutest Surprise

A couple tried to adopt a puppy after they lost their beloved lab and they found one that was perfect, except it didn’t exist.
What the Hack with Adam Levin

Elizabeth Warren Tackles Big Tech

Senator Elizabeth Warren is a lightning rod for all things that impact consumers, and she’s taking on Big Tech.
Andy Pham

Andy Pham Claws Back a Multi-Million Dollar Heist

A nasty dentist managed to steal a five million dollar project from Andy Pham. Here’s how he got it back.
What the Hack with Adam Levin

Joyce and a Bank Robber Play MahJong

The dark side of legitimate games, apps and websites.
What the Hack with Adam Levin

The Wild West of the Loophole Economy

There a thousand shades of gray when it comes to e-tailers' weird and often anti-consumer loopholes.

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