4 Reasons Not to Use Your Debit Card at a Bar

You’ve watched enough Tarantino to know you should only bring a knife to a gunfight if you’re Uma Thurman. Bringing a debit card to...

Fake Hotel Reps Target Vacationers with Shady Deals

Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com Adam Levin sat down with Fox & Friends Host Clayton Morris to break down the latest scams that target...

What the Target Breach Taught Us About Security

Adam Levin spoke with Ken Rosato of WABC TV about the Target breach. An iconic moment for the business world and consumers, the Target...

Can One of These Obsessions Get You Scammed?

Scam Alert
We all have our areas of interest -- make that obsession -- and when something related to them crops up online, we can be...

Name Scams: 3 Ways You Can Get Got

Afraid woman
Your personally identifiable information (PII) is all around you, and much of it is impossible to protect. While your driver’s license and Social Security...

The Hidden Dangers in Your Kid’s Backpack

Whether you’re scanning the surf to protect your little ones from a rogue jellyfish, lazing at home on a stay-cation or carting kids to...

QUIZ: What’s Your ID IQ?

The first step when it comes to identity theft is admitting you have a problem. Knowing your ID IQ is a good place to...

At 3 Years Old, the CFPB Gives Americans a Soapbox

America's newest federal agency just turned 3 years old, and it continues to be the preferred punching bag for everyone from the American Bankers...

Beware of Catfish Scams that Steal Your Heart and Your Wallet

Adam Levin returned as the resident identity theft expert on "Sway in the Morning" with MTV's Sway Calloway. This time they discussed the perils...