
Israeli Antifa Hackers Breach KKK Site, Doxx Members

Everyone loves a good unveiling, unless of course the veil is actually a hood and there’s a KKK member on the OMG side of...
Android app malware

Android App Infects Up To 10 Million Users with Update

An Android app with over 10 million installations spread malware to its users in a recent update. Barcode Scanner is an app available in the...

Incredibly Likable News Dept: Ransomware Payments Declined Sharply in Q4 2020

The average ransomware payment fell by more than a third between Q3 and Q4 in 2020, a new study has found. A marketplace report released...
Covid 19 id theft

Identity Theft Claims Spiked in 2020 Due to Covid-19 Pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic drove a massive increase in identity theft claims filed with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) last year, with twice as many...

Adam Levin Discusses Dangers of Sharing Vaccine Card on Social Media...

Adam Levin was featured on WBBM News Radio where he discussed the dangers of oversharing on social media, especially where vaccine cards are concerned. “In...
Dating sites

How Dating Sites Can Keep you Cybersecure

The Valentine’s Day lovefest has never depended on dating apps more to help match sweethearts, and as with all online riots it gives rise...
Capitol Catfishing

Catfishing Version 2021: Struggle for the Heart of America

It’s nearly Valentine’s Day and that means catfishing. If you’re new to this particular scam, it involves a subtle twisting of the heart-strings via...

Apple Urges iOS Users to Update to Latest Version

Uninstalled updates to software or firmware are one of the most common ways people are compromised by hackers.  Following the discovery of multiple security issues,...
Who You Should Be Following Online

Who You Should Be Following in Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity changes all the time. Keeping up with the latest data breaches, software vulnerabilities, legal actions, and the overall state of the technology industry...

“Is This You?” The Parler Migration to Telegram Is a Hacker’s...

Early 2021 has seen an inspiring evolution in the way people communicate online. Unfortunately hackers are eager to find ways to exploit these advances...