What the Hack with Adam Levin

Joyce and a Bank Robber Play MahJong

The dark side of legitimate games, apps and websites.
What the Hack with Adam Levin

The Wild West of the Loophole Economy

There a thousand shades of gray when it comes to e-tailers' weird and often anti-consumer loopholes.
What the Hack with Adam Levin

Keren Elazari Decrypts the Ransomeware Nightmare

Ransomware isn’t going anywhere, and the criminals behind these crimes are no longer even pretending to play fair.
What the Hack with Adam Levin

Beau’s Cousin Makes the Right Call

Built into every scam there’s an escape hatch, but it can be hard to see it. This week’s episode may help.
What the Hack with Adam Levin

Andrew Steven Finds a Red Flag in His Dream Backyard

This week we explore the different ways renting can go wrong.
What the Hack with Adam

Can AI Commit the Perfect Crime?

Worried about AI and crime? So are we, so we talked to two experts to figure out just how much danger this new tech poses.
What the Hack with Adam Levin

Roy Gets Hacked by an Evil Clown

Roof lizards, farming museums, evil clowns, QAnon --  this episode has something for everyone.
Axton Betz-Hamilton

Axton Gets the Shock of a Lifetime (Part 2)

When the culprit is a family member, the trauma runs deep.
Axton Betz-Hamilton

Axton Goes Looking For Her Identity Thief (Part 1)

Child identity theft is a lot more common than you might think, it’s usually an inside job, and it’s always completely messed up.
What the Hack with Adam Levin

Paul Raffile Fights Sextortion No Matter What

An expert on financial sextortion loses a job offer to protect people from it when he shares his expertise on the topic.